Adversity Advantage; The Power in a Name


Earlier in my career, I asked a rather successful person out to lunch to get their advice on how I could grow my business and get more clients (the lifeblood of the line of work I’m in). What they shared with me fueled my obsession with success, but not in the way you might think. 

Midway through our meal, they leaned over as if to share a secret, “Can I be honest?” I assured them YES PLEASE, I wanted to get their unfiltered advice! “You have a problem, your name...Laith, it’s...umm...different.

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People don’t necessarily appreciate/trust different, especially when it comes to their money.” They said it in a matter of a fact kind of way, it wasn’t mean spirited, just a conclusion they were sharing as fact. They subsequently said other things that I honestly don’t remember because my brain was short-circuiting from their first statement, all I could do was compose my shock. From that moment on, I was obsessed with proving them wrong...not because I am insanely competitive, but I also refused to secede to the notion that being different is bad and that I am professionally doomed because my name is different. I believe that our community is better than that and that there are more good people than bad. So with every milestone and recognition, I earned over the years I think back to that conversation and how I am solidifying a new conclusion about our community, one that I am proud of. 

That being said, I am humbled and eternally grateful for my clients, allies, and mentors, I TRULY would not be where I am today without you...thank you for giving a guy with a weird name a chance. So if you see me driving around and wonder why I picked the license plate that I did you’d understand that it’s not about ego, instead it’s my reminder of that conversation years ago and why I believe that different is perfectly...normal.

I share this story because I believe with every fiber of my being that you never...EVER...let anyone convince you that “you can’t” especially if it’s justified because you’re different. Harness the challenge and make it your....Adversity Advantage! Happy New Year & God bless.

Molli Ross