Make a Difference
Faith is a powerful word with different contexts and meanings. The faith I’m talking about is the confidence in yourself to do things that are bigger than you are and that have an impact beyond what you think is “realistic”. Essentially, it is the unwavering belief that anything is possible without needing proof to justify your pursuit.
Once you harness the power of FAITH (in yourself), you unlock unimaginable potential and DARE to believe that you can make a difference. You begin to see life with an exciting new perspective with unlimited potential and unharnessed personal power.
Once you get a taste of this empowered state, you will cross over into believing in yourself and the impact you can make in anything you put your mind to!
Having that feeling is only half the equation. It merely gives you new “sight” of all the wonderful possibilities. The second (harder) part, is making a continuous effort to take the steps in that direction. At the end of the day all you need to’s that simple.
What I’m about to say may be controversial, but these are my personal beliefs, so here it goes, Intentions, “thoughts and prayers”, and a sprinkle of online likes do not make things happen....they are nice and well intentioned but they aren’t as effective as rolling up one’s sleeves and actually doing the work everyone is unwilling or afraid to do.
Shed all the excuses and preconceived outcomes and start doing things without the fear of failure; without the stigma of being judged or the shackles of self limits and capabilities. I promise, you will surprise yourself once you embark on your journey with this new found confidence and quest to make a difference. It-will-happen, it may not be immediately but most definitely good things will come.
I have always been a rebel (Praising my parents for being patient with me), but it has served me well in my adult life. I always questioned the status quo and asked the question “why not?!” Whenever my parents used to say “You can’t do X or have Y....” I was quick to answer “Why not?!” Which sometimes stumped them and ultimately, they resorted to the unsatisfactory response of, “...because I said so”. Nowadays, I ask the same question about any challenges or perceived limits...why not?! Why can’t we do/have/be?...and usually no one has a really good answer (unless it’s illegal… which we stay far away from, ha!)
I challenge you to have more faith in yourself. Believe that you DO have the power to make a difference and dare I say change the world! All you need is the spark of belief that is fueled by passion for the cause. What will also surprise you is how many people will come out of the woodwork to help! Once people see and feel your passion, they are bound to be drawn to help. Others just need that nudge or pitch to light the spark in them to do something and be a part of the change.